On 18/06/2013 20:26, John Cowan wrote:
> Sven Hartrumpf scripsit:
>> I fear that an input/output port is not supported in several major
>> implementations. It would be much better to have 'socket-ports' that
>> returns two values: the input port and the output port.
> I don't agree, because much of the time you want to both read and write
> from a socket, certainly in the dominant client-server paradigm. So you
> end up wanting to package up the two ports in a single record, and why
> not make that record behave like a port while you are at it?
I simply didn't consider non-R6RS implementations but if socket-ports
returns 2 ports how could it be safely implemented? If the ports share
the same socket descriptor then closing one port might cause SIGPIPE or
something on the other port. (Might be too much detail but just popped
up in my mind.)
Takashi Kato
E-mail: xxxxxx@ymail.com