I've made a number of changes to SRFI-108. Until the editors
have a chance to upload it, you can read it at:
I've settled on the &name[initial-exp]{text} syntax, which
is a hybrid of the XML syntax (in using & rather than @)
and the Scribble syntax (in using a single prefix character
rather than #&, and in the use of brackets/braces).
I've removed use of the alternative syntax, and simplified the
syntax rationale to reflect this.
There are some changes in the S-expression mapping, along
with a rationale. Specifically:
&foo{abc&[exp1 exp2]def}
is now translated to:
($construct$:foo "abc" |$[$| exp1 exp2 |$]$| "def")
I've added support for indentation adjustment (&|),
comments (&#|comment|#), and continuation lines (&-).
I've implemented these change is Kawa, along with the
beginnings of a SRFI-64-style testsuite. (The Implemention
section has links to both.)
--Per Bothner
xxxxxx@bothner.com http://per.bothner.com/