Updated SRFI-110 posted. David A. Wheeler (06 Aug 2013 12:07 UTC)
Re: Updated SRFI-110 posted.
John Cowan
(06 Aug 2013 14:46 UTC)
Re: Updated SRFI-110 posted.
David A. Wheeler
(06 Aug 2013 17:34 UTC)
Better error resync - read until un-indented line
David A. Wheeler
(06 Aug 2013 22:11 UTC)
An updated SRFI-110 has been posted, with a significantly simpler specification. I'm in the process of making more changes, with the hopes that it'll be even simpler (while being just as precise). Below are the "key BNF productions". Notice that each production is much simpler. I've basically tried to give productions better names, split productions into smaller and more digestible pieces, and simplified rules in a number of cases. The full spec defines the supporting productions. For example, the "hs" production consumes any tabs and spaces; "skippable" consumes comments that aren't ;-comments. At this point I don't think trying an LALR(1) presentation would make it any clearer. But I think Mark H Weaver was absolutely right that the spec could be made clearer and simpler; I'm hoping this direction is both. ANTLR produces 0 warnings with this grammar. That doesn't mean it's perfect, of course, but it does mean that it avoids certain kinds of problems. Thoughts? --- David A. Wheeler ======================================= // Production "collecting_content" returns a collecting list's contents. // Precondition: After collecting start and horizontal spaces. // Postcondition: Consumed the matching COLLECTING_END. // FF = formfeed (\f aka \u000c), VT = vertical tab (\v aka \u000b) collecting_content returns [Object v] : it_expr more=collecting_content {(conse $it_expr $more)} | comment_eol retry1=collecting_content {$retry1} | (FF | VT)+ EOL retry2=collecting_content {$retry2} | COLLECTING_END {'()} ; collecting_list returns [Object v] : COLLECTING hs cc=collecting_content hs {$cc} ; // Process line after ". hspace+" sequence. Does not go past current line. post_period returns [Object v] : skippable retry=post_period {$retry} | pn=n_expr hs skippable* (n_expr error)? {$pn} | cl=collecting_list skippable* (n_expr error)? {$cl} | /*empty*/ {'.} ; // Production "line_exprs" reads the 1+ n-expressions on one line; it will // return the list of n-expressions on the line. If there is one n-expression // on the line, it returns a list of exactly one item. // Precondition: At beginning of line after indent // Postcondition: At unconsumed EOL line_exprs returns [Object v] : PERIOD /* Leading ".": escape following datum like an n-expression. */ (hspace+ pp=post_period {(list $pp)} | /*empty*/ {(list '.)} ) | cl=collecting_list (rr=rest_of_line {(cons $cl $rr)} | /*empty*/ {(list $cl)} ) | basic=n_expr_first /* Only match n_expr_first */ ((hspace+ (br=rest_of_line {(cons $basic $br)} | /*empty*/ {(list $basic)} )) | /*empty*/ {(list $basic)} ) ; // Production "rest_of_line" reads the rest of the expressions on a line, // after the first expression of the line. // Precondition: At beginning of non-first expression on line (past hspace) // Postcondition: At unconsumed EOL rest_of_line returns [Object v] : PERIOD hspace+ pp=post_period {$pp} /* Improper list */ | skippable (retry=rest_of_line {$retry} | /*empty*/ {'()}) | cl=collecting_list (rr=rest_of_line {(cons $cl $rr)} | /*empty*/ {(list $cl)} ) | basic=n_expr ((hspace+ (br=rest_of_line {(cons $basic $br)} | /*empty*/ {(list $basic)} )) | /*empty*/ {(list $basic)} ) ; // Production "body" handles the sequence of 1+ child lines in an it_expr // (e.g., after "line_expr"), each of which is itself an it_expr. // It returns the list of expressions in the body. body returns [Object v] : i=it_expr (same ( {(isperiodp $i)}? => f=it_expr DEDENT {$f} // Improper list | {(isemptyvaluep $i)}? => retry=body {$retry} | {(not_period_and_not_empty $i)}? => nxt=body {(conse $i $nxt)} ) | DEDENT {(list1e $i)} ) ; // Production "normal_it_expr" is an it_expr without a special prefix. normal_it_expr returns [Object v] : line_exprs ( GROUP_SPLIT hs {(monify $line_exprs)} // split | SUBLIST hs sub_i=it_expr {(appende $line_exprs (list1e $sub_i))} | comment_eol // Normal case, handle child lines if any: (INDENT children=body {(appende $line_exprs $children)} | /*empty*/ {(monify $line_exprs)} /* No child lines */ )) ; // These are it_expr's with a special prefix like \\ or $: datum_comment_line returns [Object v] : DATUM_COMMENTW hs (is_i=it_expr | comment_eol INDENT body ) {empty_value} ; group_line returns [Object v] : (GROUP_SPLIT | scomment) hs /* Initial; Interpet as group */ (group_i=it_expr {$group_i} /* Ignore initial GROUP/scomment */ | comment_eol (INDENT g_body=body {$g_body} /* Normal GROUP use */ | /*empty*/ {empty_value} )) ; sublist_line returns [Object v] // "$" first on line : SUBLIST hs is_i=it_expr {(list1e $is_i)} ; abbrevw_line returns [Object v] : abbrevw hs (comment_eol INDENT ab=body {(appende (list $abbrevw) $ab)} | ai=it_expr {(list2e $abbrevw $ai)} ) ; // Production "it_expr" (indenting sweet-expression) // is the main production for sweet-expressions in the usual case. // Precondition: At beginning of line after indent, NOT at an EOL char // Postcondition: it-expr ended by consuming EOL + examining indent it_expr returns [Object v] : normal_it_expr {$normal_it_expr} | datum_comment_line {$datum_comment_line} | group_line {$group_line} | sublist_line {$sublist_line} | abbrevw_line {$abbrevw_line} ; // Production "initial_indent_expr" is for an expression starting with indent. initial_indent_expr returns [Object v] : (INITIAL_INDENT | separator_initial_indent) (scomment hs)* (n_expr {$n_expr} | comment_eol {empty_value} ) ; // Production "t_expr_real" handles special cases, else it invokes it_expr. t_expr_real returns [Object v] : comment_eol r1=t_expr_real {$r1} // Skip initial blank lines | (FF | VT)+ EOL r2=t_expr_real {$r2} // Skip initial FF|VT lines | EOF {(generate_eof)} // End of file | initial_indent_expr {$initial_indent_expr} | i=it_expr {$i} /* Normal case */ ; // Production "t_expr" is the top-level production for sweet-expressions. t_expr returns [Object v] : te=t_expr_real {(if (isemptyvaluep $te) (t_expr) $te)} ; retry if empty_value.