Here's a code sample from SRFI-9, in both s-expressions (the original) and sweet-expressions. This demonstrates how these s-expressions can be represented as sweet-expressions. My hope is that this (and other examples) shows that sweet-expressions are readable to a wider audience. I'm pasting it below; you can get these as files from the git repo ("develop" branch). In the sweet-expressions I'm always using "!" as the first indent character, which is certainly not required but it deals with mail readers that gobble up leading spaces. --- David A. Wheeler ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; As s-expressions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This code is from SRFI-9 by Richard Kelsey, ; ; According to "Scheme Systems Supporting SRFIs" by John Cowan ; ( ; this is the most widely implemented Scheme SFRI. ; Syntax definitions ; Definition of DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE (define-syntax define-record-type (syntax-rules () ((define-record-type type (constructor constructor-tag ...) predicate (field-tag accessor . more) ...) (begin (define type (make-record-type 'type '(field-tag ...))) (define constructor (record-constructor type '(constructor-tag ...))) (define predicate (record-predicate type)) (define-record-field type field-tag accessor . more) ...)))) ; An auxilliary macro for define field accessors and modifiers. ; This is needed only because modifiers are optional. (define-syntax define-record-field (syntax-rules () ((define-record-field type field-tag accessor) (define accessor (record-accessor type 'field-tag))) ((define-record-field type field-tag accessor modifier) (begin (define accessor (record-accessor type 'field-tag)) (define modifier (record-modifier type 'field-tag)))))) ; Record types ; We define the following procedures: ; ; (make-record-type <type-name <field-names>) -> <record-type> ; (record-constructor <record-type<field-names>) -> <constructor> ; (record-predicate <record-type>) -> <predicate> ; (record-accessor <record-type <field-name>) -> <accessor> ; (record-modifier <record-type <field-name>) -> <modifier> ; where ; (<constructor> <initial-value> ...) -> <record> ; (<predicate> <value>) -> <boolean> ; (<accessor> <record>) -> <value> ; (<modifier> <record> <value>) -> <unspecific> ; Record types are implemented using vector-like records. The first ; slot of each record contains the record's type, which is itself a ; record. (define (record-type record) (record-ref record 0)) ;---------------- ; Record types are themselves records, so we first define the type for ; them. Except for problems with circularities, this could be defined as: ; (define-record-type :record-type ; (make-record-type name field-tags) ; record-type? ; (name record-type-name) ; (field-tags record-type-field-tags)) ; As it is, we need to define everything by hand. (define :record-type (make-record 3)) (record-set! :record-type 0 :record-type) ; Its type is itself. (record-set! :record-type 1 ':record-type) (record-set! :record-type 2 '(name field-tags)) ; Now that :record-type exists we can define a procedure for making more ; record types. (define (make-record-type name field-tags) (let ((new (make-record 3))) (record-set! new 0 :record-type) (record-set! new 1 name) (record-set! new 2 field-tags) new)) ; Accessors for record types. (define (record-type-name record-type) (record-ref record-type 1)) (define (record-type-field-tags record-type) (record-ref record-type 2)) ;---------------- ; A utility for getting the offset of a field within a record. (define (field-index type tag) (let loop ((i 1) (tags (record-type-field-tags type))) (cond ((null? tags) (error "record type has no such field" type tag)) ((eq? tag (car tags)) i) (else (loop (+ i 1) (cdr tags)))))) ;---------------- ; Now we are ready to define RECORD-CONSTRUCTOR and the rest of the ; procedures used by the macro expansion of DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE. (define (record-constructor type tags) (let ((size (length (record-type-field-tags type))) (arg-count (length tags)) (indexes (map (lambda (tag) (field-index type tag)) tags))) (lambda args (if (= (length args) arg-count) (let ((new (make-record (+ size 1)))) (record-set! new 0 type) (for-each (lambda (arg i) (record-set! new i arg)) args indexes) new) (error "wrong number of arguments to constructor" type args))))) (define (record-predicate type) (lambda (thing) (and (record? thing) (eq? (record-type thing) type)))) (define (record-accessor type tag) (let ((index (field-index type tag))) (lambda (thing) (if (and (record? thing) (eq? (record-type thing) type)) (record-ref thing index) (error "accessor applied to bad value" type tag thing))))) (define (record-modifier type tag) (let ((index (field-index type tag))) (lambda (thing value) (if (and (record? thing) (eq? (record-type thing) type)) (record-set! thing index value) (error "modifier applied to bad value" type tag thing))))) ; Records ; This implements a record abstraction that is identical to vectors, ; except that they are not vectors (VECTOR? returns false when given a ; record and RECORD? returns false when given a vector). The following ; procedures are provided: ; (record? <value>) -> <boolean> ; (make-record <size>) -> <record> ; (record-ref <record> <index>) -> <value> ; (record-set! <record> <index> <value>) -> <unspecific> ; ; These can implemented in R5RS Scheme as vectors with a distinguishing ; value at index zero, providing VECTOR? is redefined to be a procedure ; that returns false if its argument contains the distinguishing record ; value. EVAL is also redefined to use the new value of VECTOR?. ; Define the marker and redefine VECTOR? and EVAL. (define record-marker (list 'record-marker)) (define real-vector? vector?) (define (vector? x) (and (real-vector? x) (or (= 0 (vector-length x)) (not (eq? (vector-ref x 0) record-marker))))) ; This won't work if ENV is the interaction environment and someone has ; redefined LAMBDA there. (define eval (let ((real-eval eval)) (lambda (exp env) ((real-eval `(lambda (vector?) ,exp)) vector?)))) ; Definitions of the record procedures. (define (record? x) (and (real-vector? x) (< 0 (vector-length x)) (eq? (vector-ref x 0) record-marker))) (define (make-record size) (let ((new (make-vector (+ size 1)))) (vector-set! new 0 record-marker) new)) (define (record-ref record index) (vector-ref record (+ index 1))) (define (record-set! record index value) (vector-set! record (+ index 1) value)) ; Copyright (C) Richard Kelsey (1999). All Rights Reserved. ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ; in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ; THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ; OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ; ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; As sweet-expressions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; This code is from SRFI-9 by Richard Kelsey, ; ; According to "Scheme Systems Supporting SRFIs" by John Cowan ; ( ; this is the most widely implemented Scheme SFRI. ; Syntax definitions ; Definition of DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE define-syntax define-record-type ! syntax-rules () ! \\ ! define-record-type ! type ! constructor constructor-tag ... ! predicate ! field-tag accessor . more ! ... ! begin ! define type ! ! make-record-type 'type 'field-tag(...) ! define constructor ! ! record-constructor type 'constructor-tag(...) ! define predicate record-predicate(type) ! define-record-field type field-tag accessor . more ! ... ; An auxilliary macro for define field accessors and modifiers. ; This is needed only because modifiers are optional. define-syntax define-record-field ! syntax-rules () ! define-record-field(type field-tag accessor) ! define accessor record-accessor(type 'field-tag) ! define-record-field(type field-tag accessor modifier) ! begin ! define accessor record-accessor(type 'field-tag) ! define modifier record-modifier(type 'field-tag) ; Record types ; We define the following procedures: ; ; (make-record-type <type-name <field-names>) -> <record-type> ; (record-constructor <record-type<field-names>) -> <constructor> ; (record-predicate <record-type>) -> <predicate> ; (record-accessor <record-type <field-name>) -> <accessor> ; (record-modifier <record-type <field-name>) -> <modifier> ; where ; (<constructor> <initial-value> ...) -> <record> ; (<predicate> <value>) -> <boolean> ; (<accessor> <record>) -> <value> ; (<modifier> <record> <value>) -> <unspecific> ; Record types are implemented using vector-like records. The first ; slot of each record contains the record's type, which is itself a ; record. define record-type(record) record-ref(record 0) ;---------------- ; Record types are themselves records, so we first define the type for ; them. Except for problems with circularities, this could be defined as: ; (define-record-type :record-type ; (make-record-type name field-tags) ; record-type? ; (name record-type-name) ; (field-tags record-type-field-tags)) ; As it is, we need to define everything by hand. define :record-type make-record(3) record-set! :record-type 0 :record-type; Its type is itself. record-set! :record-type 1 ':record-type record-set! :record-type 2 'name(field-tags) ; Now that :record-type exists we can define a procedure for making more ; record types. define make-record-type(name field-tags) ! let <* new $ make-record 3 *> ! record-set! new 0 :record-type ! record-set! new 1 name ! record-set! new 2 field-tags ! new ; Accessors for record types. define record-type-name(record-type) ! record-ref record-type 1 define record-type-field-tags(record-type) ! record-ref record-type 2 ;---------------- ; A utility for getting the offset of a field within a record. define field-index(type tag) ! let loop <* i 1 \\ tags $ record-type-field-tags type *> ! cond ! null?(tags) error("record type has no such field" type tag) ! eq?(tag car(tags)) i ! else loop({i + 1} cdr(tags)) ;---------------- ; Now we are ready to define RECORD-CONSTRUCTOR and the rest of the ; procedures used by the macro expansion of DEFINE-RECORD-TYPE. define record-constructor(type tags) ! let ! \\ ! size $ length record-type-field-tags(type) ! arg-count $ length tags ! indexes $ map lambda(tag() field-index(type tag)) tags ! lambda args ! if {length(args) = arg-count} ! let (new(make-record{size + 1})) ! ! record-set! new 0 type ! ! for-each lambda(arg(i) record-set!(new i arg)) args indexes ! ! new ! error "wrong number of arguments to constructor" type args define record-predicate(type) ! lambda thing() ! {record?(thing) and eq?(record-type(thing) type)} define record-accessor(type tag) ! let <* index $ field-index type tag *> ! lambda thing() ! if {record?(thing) and eq?(record-type(thing) type)} ! record-ref thing index ! error "accessor applied to bad value" type tag thing define record-modifier(type tag) ! let <* index $ field-index type tag *> ! lambda thing(value) ! if {record?(thing) and eq?(record-type(thing) type)} ! record-set! thing index value ! error "modifier applied to bad value" type tag thing ; Records ; This implements a record abstraction that is identical to vectors, ; except that they are not vectors (VECTOR? returns false when given a ; record and RECORD? returns false when given a vector). The following ; procedures are provided: ; (record? <value>) -> <boolean> ; (make-record <size>) -> <record> ; (record-ref <record> <index>) -> <value> ; (record-set! <record> <index> <value>) -> <unspecific> ; ; These can implemented in R5RS Scheme as vectors with a distinguishing ; value at index zero, providing VECTOR? is redefined to be a procedure ; that returns false if its argument contains the distinguishing record ; value. EVAL is also redefined to use the new value of VECTOR?. ; Define the marker and redefine VECTOR? and EVAL. define record-marker list('record-marker) define real-vector? vector? define vector?(x) ! and ! real-vector? x ! or ! {0 = vector-length(x)} ! not eq?(vector-ref(x 0) record-marker) ; This won't work if ENV is the interaction environment and someone has ; redefined LAMBDA there. define eval ! let <* real-eval eval *> ! lambda exp(env) ! real-eval(`lambda(vector?() ,exp)) vector? ; Definitions of the record procedures. define record?(x) ! and ! real-vector? x ! {0 < vector-length(x)} ! eq? vector-ref(x 0) record-marker define make-record(size) ! let <* new make-vector{size + 1} *> ! vector-set! new 0 record-marker ! new define record-ref(record index) ! vector-ref record {index + 1} define record-set!(record index value) ! vector-set! record {index + 1} value ; Copyright (C) Richard Kelsey (1999). All Rights Reserved. ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ; in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ; THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ; OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ; ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.