Re: Lexical syntax for boxes John Cowan 21 May 2013 10:17 UTC

Alex Shinn scripsit:

> I think it's good to have read syntax for most objects, but would
> prefer to handle this more generally, e.g.  SRFI-10/108.

SRFI 10 by itself is okay, but its suggested `define-reader-ctor`
mechanism suffers from phasing problems, as it is a run-time control
of a compile-time phenomenon.  SRFI 108 doesn't have that problem;
the only thing against it for the large language is that it's too new.
Still, three years from now (Ghu help us) that may not seem so important
an issue.

You let them out again, Old Man Willow!                 John Cowan
What you be a-thinking of?  You should not be waking!
Eat earth!  Dig deep!  Drink water!  Go to sleep!
Bombadil is talking.