New version of SRFI 113 John Cowan (31 Mar 2014 06:03 UTC)
Re: New version of SRFI 113 Michael Sperber (31 Mar 2014 06:44 UTC)
Re: New version of SRFI 113 Kevin Wortman (10 Apr 2014 05:41 UTC)
Re: New version of SRFI 113 John Cowan (21 Apr 2014 19:21 UTC)
Re: New version of SRFI 113 Kevin Wortman (25 Apr 2014 20:37 UTC)

Re: New version of SRFI 113 John Cowan 21 Apr 2014 19:21 UTC

Kevin Wortman scripsit:

> Does R7RS-large have keyword arguments (or will it)? I think that in common
> use cases of sets, the overwrite-vs-preserve policy is immaterial and any
> reasonable default would be OK. But there are rarer uses cases when one or
> the other behavior is crucial. A keyword argument seems like a clean way of
> accommodating the rare cases without cluttering up the common ones.

It's possible to implement keywords using R5RS alone:  see>.  But
I'm reluctant to introduce such machinery just to handle a few
procedures in a single SRFI.

John Cowan
"The serene chaos that is Courage, and the phenomenon of Unopened
Consciousness have been known to the Great World eons longer than Extaboulism."
"Why is that?" the woman inquired.
"Because I just made that word up", the Master said wisely.
        --Kehlog Albran, The Profit