Re: Draft post-finalization note for SRFI 113
Sudarshan S Chawathe 17 Jul 2017 17:22 UTC
The motivation makes sense to me, but I am confused by the sentence
beginning with "Now that SRFI 153...". How does SRFI 153 help in this
regard? Or is it just a matter of precedent/analogy?
Also, it seems that this note would disallow (or discourage) a SRFI-113
implementation that is not based on hash tables (e.g., based on balanced
trees). Is the intention that SRFI 113 should focus on hash table
implementations (and optionally tree/ordered ones) while SRFI 153
provides tree/ordered implementations?
> <p><b>Post-finalization note 3</b>:
> The "Comparator restrictions" section of this SRFI states that
> implementations must not require comparators used to create
> sets or bags to have both an ordering predicate and a hash
> function. However, in practice this is a nullity, because there
> is no way to determine which type of procedure the implementation
> requires, and therefore users must supply both procedures. Now that
> <a href="">SRFI 153</a>
> (in draft status at the time of this writing) requires comparators
> with ordering predicates, the author of this SRFI strongly urges
> implementers to accept comparators with hash functions with or
> without ordering predicates. The sample implementation,
> which is built on top of hash tables, already does so.</p>
> Comments?
> --
> John Cowan
> Time alone is real
> the rest imaginary
> like a quaternion --phma