Re: New release of SRFI 114 with implementation
Kevin Wortman 09 Dec 2013 00:10 UTC
On 12/08/2013 09:01 AM, John Cowan wrote:
> Kevin Wortman scripsit:
>> Returning the first tied argument seems like it would be a little more
>> straightforward to implement, at least to me. But I'm comfortable with
>> the current behavior. I don't think it matters much as long as the
>> behavior is documented.
> Here's the current sample implementation (note that it depends on `apply`
> calling its argument tail-recursively):
> (define comparator-min
> (case-lambda
> ((comparator a)
> a)
> ((comparator a b)
> (if (<? comparator a b) a b))
> ((comparator a b . objs)
> (comparator-min comparator a (apply comparator-min comparator b objs)))))
> (define comparator-max
> (case-lambda
> ((comparator a)
> a)
> ((comparator a b)
> (if (>? comparator a b) a b))
> ((comparator a b . objs)
> (comparator-max comparator a (apply comparator-max comparator b objs)))))
> Exactly what you get depends on which predicate you use, of course.
Gotcha. I was thinking of the algorithm: scan each element and keep
track of the smallest (resp. largest) element you've seen so far.
Something like (untested):
(define (comparator-min comparator first . rest)
(fold (lambda (x least)
(if (<? comparator x least) x least))
Kevin Wortman