Library name a la SRFI 97, submatch disambiguation
Daphne Preston-Kendal 18 Oct 2024 14:09 UTC
The SRFI metadata has assigned SRFI 115 the library name ‘regex’.
I assume this is based on the name it was given by John Cowan for the warm-coloured ‘editions’ of R7-large. However, this was an error, because ‘regexp’ is the abbreviation consistently used in the library itself. Also, in the general case, the library names assigned by John do not have anything to do with R6RS library names, because e.g. the convention is that R7RS library names are singular and R6RS ones are plural. (Sigh.)
chez-srfi does indeed call it (srfi :115 regexp), which seems sensible. But this should be made official, ideally.
Or it should be called (srfi :115 regexps), due to the plural convention for these names.
Also, it’s been raised by John before (on my instigation, heh), but I really do feel a PFN could clarify that leftmost-longest semantics are intended for submatches, if that is indeed the intention. (chibi regexp) uses leftmost-longest; I haven’t tested the ‘other’ sample implementation, irregex (no ‘p’!), but based on what Alex said when the issue was raised last I assume it does as well.