SRFI 115 editorial John Cowan (20 Oct 2013 21:59 UTC)
Re: SRFI 115 editorial Alex Shinn (22 Oct 2013 01:22 UTC)
Re: SRFI 115 editorial John Cowan (22 Oct 2013 13:43 UTC)
Re: SRFI 115 editorial Alex Shinn (11 Nov 2013 01:25 UTC)

SRFI 115 editorial John Cowan 20 Oct 2013 21:59 UTC

Rationale: for "any modern language provide" read "that any modern
language will provide".

rx macro: for "rather than" read "but not"; tt font for "eval" (2 cases).

regexp-match: for "is the match" read "if the match"; tt font for "#f".

regexp-match?: tt font for "regexp-match".

regexp-search: italics for "rx-match".

regexp-fold: tt font for "#f".

regexp-replace: tt font for "'pre" and "'post".

rx-match-count: italics for "rx-match".

SRE Syntax: for "graheme" read "grapheme".

lower-case, upper-case, alphabetic: the Unicode properties are *not* to
be identified with the General Categories Ll, Lu, and L&, because for
one thing, Alphabetic includes Nl, and for another, there are various
Other_{Uppercase,Lowercase,Alphabetic} characters that are also included.

bog, eog:  This should point to UAX 29 rather than TR 18, because 29
contains the actual definition, which is more complex than what you
give here (you aren't allowing for Hangul grapheme clusters).  To avoid
confusion, I wouldn't include any definition at all.

Henry S. Thompson said, / "Syntactic, structural,               John Cowan
Value constraints we / Express on the fly."       
Simon St. Laurent: "Your / Incomprehensible
Abracadabralike / schemas must die!"