I've just published fixes for errata for SRFI 116. They were provided by Arvydas Silanskas. They have been approved by the John Cowan, author of the SRFI, so I have incorporated them into the public document and added a note to the Status section.

Here are Arvydas's comments on the fixes:

  • added make-ipair-comparator definition
  • added comparator related implementtations
  • converted tests to general r7rs format

I changed the declared library name in .sld to match the file name (although maybe it would be more sensible to change file names to match library definition of either (scheme ilists) or (srfi 116))

Tests pass on chibi, but some don't pass on gauche, because srfi requires for implementers to handle ipairs in their equal? implementation, so whether tests for this as a library pass or not depends on equal? implementation for records

I left old chicken files intact. I don't know what you want to do with them; I'd probably remove it

Here's the diff:



SRFI Editor