Re: SRFI 121: Generators cowan@xxxxxx 13 Feb 2015 21:16 UTC

Kevin Wortman scripsit:

> It's too bad end-of-file isn't just called "end" in R7RS.

Or something like "end of data" or "end of values", yes.

> make-circular-generator, list->circular-generator: Splitting hairs, but
> "circular" may not be the best word since it usually describes geometric,
> not discrete, objects. How about "repeating"?

Circular in the same sense as circular lists.  I'll point this out.

> make-iota-generator: count must be an integer right?

No, arbitrary real numbers are allowed.

> "a sequence of boolean values": capitalize Boolean since it is derived
> from Boole's name.

That's not the RnRS convention; cf. "abelian group".

> make-for-each-generator: obj may be any kind of "collection" but AFAICT
> that term doesn't have a precise meaning here.

No, it doesn't.

> gmerge, gunion, gintersection: The description talks about order but is
> unclear on whether it means increasing or decreasing order. How about
> saying "elements in strict increasing order according to a SRFI 114
> comparator". The "strict" qualifier implies there are no duplicates in the
> input.

Increasing order, yes.  I see no reason to forbid duplicates particularly.

> I think gmerge is capitalized by mistake.

I'll rewrite to avoid that.

> As in SRFI 113, there is the issue in set union that input sets may have
> elements that are equal according to the comparator but not eqv?. How
> about
> copying the SRFI 113 language: "Elements in the result set are drawn from
> the first set in which they appear."


> SRFI 113 also has set difference and xor, include those in SRFI 121?

I suppose that's feasible, yes.

> gtuple: I understand why gzip would be a poor name. This operation is
> similar to transposing a matrix, would gtranspose be any better?

Either works for me.

> How about syntax greceive that binds a fixed number of elements to
> identifiers, similar to SRFI 8 receive?

Excellent idea.

John Cowan
Evolutionary psychology is the theory that men are nothing but horn-dogs,
and that women only want them for their money.  --Susan McCarthy (adapted)