I'm looking into reference implementation and have noticed that
there are signature mismatches. I'm listing ones I've found below:
- gconcatenate
The SRFI says this takes one argument of Generator generator but
the reference implementation takes arbitrary length arguments.
- gmerge, gunion, gintersection, gmap
The SRFI says this requires at least 2 arguments but the reference
implementation requires only one (comparator).
- gfold
The SRFI says this requires at least 3 arguments but the reference
implementation requires only two (comparator and seed).
- gfilter-map
The SRFI says this requires at least 2 arguments but the reference
implementation requires only one (proc).
And gdelete-neighbor-dups takes procedure as its optional argument but
other procedures such as gmerge or gunion takes comparator. Should it
be a comparator for consistency? (Though it's also mentioned in the
comment.) Or others should accept procedures instead of comparators?
Takashi Kato
E-mail: xxxxxx@ymail.com