Re: A few more comments on Draft #6 of SRFI 121.
John Cowan 31 Oct 2015 15:40 UTC
Sudarshan S Chawathe scripsit:
> * (very minor) The template "bytevector->generator str..." may be
> reworded as "bytevector->generator bvec..." or similar, by analogy
> with the other names.
I've fixed this and the other wording changes.
> * For generator-unfold: The order of argument in the example doesn't
> match those in the spec and sample implementation.
> * In the example for generator-unfold (assuming the order of
> arguments is fixed as above): SRFI-1 unfold requires an additional
> argument (initial seed), so it still doesn't work unless we say
> something like:
> (generator-unfold (make-for-each-generator string-for-each "abc")
> unfold #\z)
I have to think about this: I think I must be confused somewhere.
John Cowan
In computer science, we stand on each other's feet. --Brian K. Reid