On Sat, Jan 11, 2020 at 6:48 PM John Cowan <xxxxxx@ccil.org> wrote:

Thanks.  I don't know what their licensing rules are.
Sure.  All the element-by-element operators like matrix addition and Hadamard multiplication are just special cases of array-map, for one thing, so that whole chapter could be left out.  Fold generalizes both reduce and scan.  Things like iota and reshape are already available as one-liners.  Everything that depends on numeric operations, like matrix divide, I omitted.  And so on.

Very nice.

I'll wait to see what Bradley says about including anything like these in his new SRFI.

Have you seen Olin Shivers's work on an APL-like language?  I could swear that he also had a paper on doing APL in Scheme, but I can't find it.  I may be thinking of his 2015 Scheme Workshop keynote, but I can't find that online.