Hi, Bradley.  I'm sorry to hear that you're considering withdrawing SRFI 122, but I completely understand.  It's certainly up to you.

I should point out that the 60- and 90-day deadlines haven't been enforced for a while.  I've been using them less as deadlines than as guidelines, hoping that they would prod discussion and help push toward reaching consensus.  If you think that more time will help, please do take it.

For example, if you would like more time to articulate your vision for the SRFI, that would be fine.  Perhaps showing a bunch of example code from your work that is written on top of it would help motivate the decisions you've made in the API.  Seeing your design in context might make a big difference.

While I encourage you to reconsider or at least to postpone for a week, the decision is up to you.

In any case, thank you for all the work you've put into the document, the implementation, and the discussion.