Terminology: interval vs shape Per Bothner (24 Aug 2015 17:27 UTC)
Re: Terminology: interval vs shape Bradley Lucier (24 Aug 2015 20:40 UTC)

Terminology: interval vs shape Per Bothner 24 Aug 2015 17:27 UTC

Is there any conceptual difference between SRFI-122's 'interval'
and SRFI-25's 'shape'?  If not, I much prefer 'shape'.
I've seen 'interval' used for a single range of numbers,
so I guess we could use 'multi-interval'.  However, 'shape'
is short, descriptive, and already in use.

SRFI-25 does specify a specific representation for a shape
(a d*2 array), but we don't need to follow that.

I suggest that functions that expect a 'shape' should allow
either an abstract shape object; a d*2 of integers array, or
length-d vector (each element of which is an integer or a pair
of integers).
	--Per Bothner
xxxxxx@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/