SRFI-97 name Takashi Kato (07 Sep 2015 09:34 UTC)
Re: SRFI-97 name taylanbayirli@xxxxxx (07 Sep 2015 10:02 UTC)
Re: SRFI-97 name Takashi Kato (07 Sep 2015 11:13 UTC)

SRFI-97 name Takashi Kato 07 Sep 2015 09:34 UTC


This is purely my convenience but does this SRFI have SRFI-97
style library name? Currently I'm implementing this SRFI and I
usually put SRFI-97 style library name according to the sample
implementation (e.g. (srfi :117 list-queue) for SRFI-117). I'd

put something like (srfi 123 ref) or (srfi 123 ref*) if there's
no official name but it'd be nice to follow the specified name.



Takashi Kato
