Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer scripsit:
> - hash-table-tabulate
Flushed. (Note that my scratch version is at
> - hash-table-unfold
> I can count you the times I used regular unfold in my (not that long)
> life so far: exactly zero. I will probably be using hash-table-unfold a
> negative amount of times over time, meaning I can see myself rewriting
> code using it to code that doesn't use it to make it easier to
> understand for mere mortals. :-)
Unfolds are consistently underrated even in the functional programming
community, but their fundamental character as constructors says to me
that they should be provided even if rarely used.
> - hash-table=?
This corresponds to (part of) the Common Lisp function `equalp`, which
is like `equal?` but recursively descends into pairs, arrays, structures
(Scheme records) and hash tables. If you want me to flush comparators,
I have to keep at least this kind of equality.
> - hash-table-set-entries!
> - hash-table-replace!
This was meant to lift -update! over the implicit Maybe monad. I think
it's more confusing than worthwhile, though. Flushed.
> - hash-table-find
> By the way if you make the 'failure' thunk of hash-table-find optional,
> you can stuff the semantics of 'any' into it. And with some negation it
> can serve as 'every'. Should be fine for those few use-cases.
I'll consider that.
> - hash-table-map
> It was already strange enough without the 'merger'! I'll clear-copy and
> for-each if I need anything of this sort. I usually won't. The
> semantics of hash-table-map-values should probably be put into this
> identifier.
Hmm, but that's not `map` in the domain of hash tables. I'll think about it.
> - hash-table-collect
> Guile and I use *-map->list.
Good one. Done.
> - hash-table-filter/remove!
> I used a self-defined helper like this 'filter!' in a different
> programming language for a while (on vectors though), and found myself
> confusing it with the 'remove!' variant all the time. Probably because
> while functional filtering feels like "picking out values," mutative
> filtering feels like "picking out values (to delete!)" but instead it's
> "selecting values to keep then deleting the others" which is weird. I
> would suggest keeping only remove. And then there's the problem of
> confusing remove with delete... Maybe it should be called "filter-out!"
> with a rationale slapped on it.
I'll think on this also. I don't like -out.
> - Hash tables as functions
> Pretty useless. Just lambda away.
I like them.
> - Hash tables as sets
> Just use actual sets. (SRFI-113 should drop dependency on SRFI-114 and
> become a library hosted on Snow and not become standardized other than
> possibly reaching de-facto standard status.)
In your dreams!
> That's was long and maybe sometimes pretty arrogant, but you know I
> don't mean to offend. :-)
No problem.
John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan xxxxxx@ccil.org
He played King Lear as though someone had played the ace.
--Eugene Field