Re: String comparison under Latin-1 and Unicode
Dave Mason 10 Mar 2000 20:06 UTC
Sorry, I sent this prematurely!
>>>>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000 15:00:16 -0500, Dave Mason <> said:
> I would much prefer either:
> (collation->predicate language-specifier ordering) -> pred?
> (pred? string1 string2) -> bool
and then didn't give the or:
(collation->predicate language-specifier) -> pred?
(pred? ordering string1 string2) -> bool
(though I prefer the first version)
> where LANGUAGE-SPECIFIER is as Ben Goetter
> <> suggested and ORDERING is one of the
> strings "<", "<=", or "="
> This seems far more useful, and efficient that converting any string
> you want to compare to a collation-key!