Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 shivers@xxxxxx (30 Apr 2000 21:57 UTC)
Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 sperber@xxxxxx (02 May 2000 07:42 UTC)
Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 d96-mst-ingen-reklam@xxxxxx (03 May 2000 21:34 UTC)

Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 sperber@xxxxxx 02 May 2000 07:42 UTC

>>>>> "Olin" == shivers  <xxxxxx@ai.mit.edu> writes:

Olin> I have incorporated the results of the last several months of discussion
Olin> on the SRFI-13 mailing list into a new draft of the SRFI. The new draft will
Olin> appear at
Olin>     http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-13/srfi-13.html
Olin> I assume Mike will email the mailing list when he has it installed there.


Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla