Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 shivers@xxxxxx (30 Apr 2000 21:57 UTC)
Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 sperber@xxxxxx (02 May 2000 07:42 UTC)
Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 d96-mst-ingen-reklam@xxxxxx (03 May 2000 21:34 UTC)

Re: Hopefully final changes to SRFI-13 d96-mst-ingen-reklam@xxxxxx 03 May 2000 13:03 UTC

In article <200004302157.RAA05332@mongkok.ai.mit.edu>,
xxxxxx@ai.mit.edu wrote:

>- I have carefully pinned down what these string operators do in a
>  super-ASCII world, especially in Latin-1 & Unicode. A short summary
>  of the high-level design decisions:

That part looks fine.

* You have just read a message from Mikael Ståldal.              *
*                                                                *
* Remove "-ingen-reklam" from the address before mail replying.  *