I'm slogging through this doc again, it will take at least a few more days to have a complete list of issues, but here are a few. My apologies if some of these issues have been hashed over already:
- No predicate for cursor objects? Why no string-cursor?
- string-cursor-ref and string-ref/cursor seem to be equivalent -- is that the desired outcome?
- The docs for string-copy/cursors mentions 'span' in the declaration, but 'string' in the text.
- The superfluous phrase "or string" comes up several times in the descriptions and looks like they
should be edited out. This happened when an old version of the document previously said "string or
span", and the word "span" had been search/replaced with "string".
- string-pad/cursors & string-pad-right/cursors
The text says "from start(inclusive) to end (inclusive)" -- is that a typo? It's the ONLY case
anywhere in the doc where the end is inclusive.
- The addition of string-copy!/cursors makes implementation of other procedures a lot easier. Just a suggestion.