First off, wow - that's a lot of changes - and as far as I can tell all good.   Thanks for getting rid of the pre-begin cursor and adding useful things like string-join, and string-contains.

Just a few things I noticed in the early part of the document.  It will take me a while to get through the rest of it.

In the Procedure Index, string-cursor-prev is misspelled "string-cursor-end" -- the link target
seems to be correct.

The links in the Procedure Index section for string-cursor<? through string-cursor>=? seem to be
broken.  Same for string-cursor->index and string-index->cursor.

In the Procedure Index, string-contains has no link.

In the Rationale section, you refer to "eql?" in the context of comparing an arbitrary object to a char.   I assume you meant eqv?

In the section on Shared Storage, you suggest substring/cursors is both allowed and not allowed to return shared storage.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 6:18 PM, mailing list <> wrote:
New draft of SRFI 130: String cursors - Arthur A. Gleckler (29 Mar 2016 04:53 UTC)

New draft of SRFI 130: String cursors by Arthur A. Gleckler (29 Mar 2016 04:53 UTC)
Reply to list

    I've just published a new draft of SRFI 130 from John
    Cowan. I've included his notes below.


    SRFI Editor

    John Cowan writes:

    | This entirely new draft is based on the idea of making
    | string indexes and string cursors either completely
    | disjoint or else exactly the same. For example, 2 can no
    | longer mean one thing as an index and another as a cursor.
    | In that way, almost all the functions can accept either
    | start/end indexes or start/end cursors
    | This version of SRFI 130 supersedes SRFI 13, modulo string
    | mutation, case mapping, comparison, and the low-level
    | procedures. The search procedures return cursors, and the
    | -right versions have been changed in line with the recent
    | discussion. There is no longer a dependency on SRFI 14
    | character sets, and string-tokenize has been replaced with
    | string-split, as in the previous drafts.
    | I expect this version to be stable except for typos and
    | thinkos. I'll be sending along an implementation in a
    | week or two.

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