Extending SRFI 130 to subsume SRFI 13 (mostly)
John Cowan 26 Dec 2015 18:53 UTC
I'm thinking that since SRFI 130 as it currently exists does not replace
SRFI 13, because of its lack of whole-string procedures, and since Alex
has proposed a direct merger (which I rejected because it didn't seem
to add enough value), I might try something else.
How about a version of SRFI 130 which contains three sets of procedures:
foo/whole for doing foo on a whole string, foo/indices for doing foo
on a substring delimited by start and stop indices, and foo/cursors
for doing foo on a substring delimited by start and stop cursors?
This would cover SRFI 13's operations with the following exceptions:
casing, comparison, mutation, low-level procedures, and all talk of
string sharing. Casing and comparison are implementation-dependent
on R7RS-small anyway; mutation is not something I want to encourage;
string sharing has been put out of scope for this SRFI.
Providing SRFI 13's names would be a matter of a case-lambda that
dispatches to foo/whole or foo/indices according to the number
of arguments. I probably wouldn't include those in this SRFI: (a)
they are trivial, and (b) you might want to dispatch to foo/whole or
foo/cursors instead.
But before I do all that editorial work (and that's all it is), I'd
like some encouragement from commenters that it's really a good or
worthwhile idea. What do you all think?
John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan xxxxxx@ccil.org
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