[cowan@mercury.ccil.org: Re: Extending SRFI 130 to subsume SRFI 13 (mostly)]
John Cowan 08 Jan 2016 03:10 UTC
Alex Shinn scripsit:
> Then how about just "foo" instead of "foo/whole"?
As I said, I'm trying to reserve plain "foo" for people who are okay
with variable-length argument lists, so they can define it as
(define foo
((x) (foo/whole x))
((x start) (foo/indices x start (string-length x)))
((x start end) (foo/indices x start end))))
or the same with foo/cursors if they prefer that.
But it's not part of the SRFI (though I could provide trivial libraries
for that in the repo).
John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan xxxxxx@ccil.org
A few times, I did some exuberant stomping about, like a hippo auditioning
for Riverdance, though I stopped when I thought I heard something at
the far side of the room falling over in rhythm with my feet. --Joseph Zitt