Re: Daily digest for
John Cowan 13 Apr 2016 00:06 UTC
Jim Rees scripsit:
> 1) One implication of the sharing option is that some of those procedures
> may return immutable strings as results not just when an argument is
> returned, but when a new object is constructed which refers to storage
> shared by one or more arguments. Guile does this currently.
Good point. I've added "If a shared string is returned, it may be mutable
or immutable" to the SRFI. There is of course nothing to prevent R7RS-small
implementations from having procedures that return immutable strings: they
just can't be (most of) the procedures mentioned in R7RS-small.
> 2) The document already says that string cursors become invalid once a
> mutation has been performed on the string they came from. Should the same
> be said if a mutation has been performed on any other string that was the
> result of a shared substring operation on the string this cursor came from?
> (or for that matter any "relative" in the tree of substrings with a
> common original ancestor string?)
I've added "or any string that shares storage with it" to the discussion
of cursor invalidation.
Thanks for bringing up these points.
John Cowan
Values of beeta will give rise to dom!
(5th/6th edition 'mv' said this if you tried to rename '.' or
'..' entries; see