Re: string-cursor-forward/back
Per Bothner 16 Apr 2016 03:53 UTC
On 04/12/2016 11:28 PM, John Cowan wrote:
> Shiro Kawai scripsit:
>> It occurred to me that it might be useful that
>> string-cursor-{forward|back} returns #f (or any other value that is
>> invalid for cursors and indexes), instead of making it an error.
> On reflection, I think -forward and -back should just be removed.
> They are trivial iterations of -next and -prev, they don't exist in
> Chibi at present, and they have the problem you mention. Unless someone
> objects, I will remove them before finalization.
I also suggest removing string-cursor-{forward|back}.
Kawa already has:
(string-cursor-next/-prev s cursor [nchars])
which subsumes string-cursor-{forward|back}.
You might consider that instead.
--Per Bothner