Re: more corrections for SRFI 132
John Cowan 13 Mar 2016 22:02 UTC
William D Clinger scripsit:
> Now that I have implemented that procedure, I think it's a really
> strange procedure for this SRFI to be specifying. It would be more
> useful to have a vector-select procedure such that
> (vector-select < v k [start [end]])
> returns
> (vector-ref (vector-sort < v start end) (+ start k))
> but probably runs faster because it doesn't have to sort the vector.
I'm adding this to the SRFI as vector-select! and Alex's code as
vector-separate! I think it makes sense to have both, given that
if you only care about a single value, you can use vector-select!
in O(n) time, whereas if you care about the "top k" values (or
bottom k), you can use vector-separate! also in O(n) time.
John Cowan
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