vector-unfold-right should have example that uses index Per Bothner (25 Jan 2016 00:09 UTC)
Re: vector-unfold-right should have example that uses index John Cowan (30 Jan 2016 19:30 UTC)

Re: vector-unfold-right should have example that uses index John Cowan 30 Jan 2016 19:30 UTC

Per Bothner scripsit:

> For example [of vector-unfold-right] one could replace the first example by:
> (vector-unfold-right (λ (i) (values (cons i x) (+ x 1))) 5 0)
> #=> ((0 . 4) (1 . 3) (2 . 2) (3 . 1) (4 . 0))

Done, correcting the lambda-list to (i x).

John Cowan
As we all know, civil libertarians are not the friskiest group around --
comes from  forever being on the qui vive for the sound of jack-booted
fascism coming down the pike.           --Molly Ivins