New draft of SRFI 134: Immutable Deques Arthur A. Gleckler 09 Feb 2016 21:51 UTC

I've just published a new draft of SRFI 134 submitted by
Kevin Wortman.  Only one character has changed in the
document, but Kevin has added the raw finger tree
implementation, with these notes:

  - add raw finger tree
  - add raw finger tree documentation
  - correct reverse time efficiency

Here is the document diff:

   <tt>(ideque-reverse </tt><em>ideque</em><tt>)</tt>
  -Returns an ideque containing the elements of <em>ideque</em> in reverse order.  Takes O(n) time.
  +Returns an ideque containing the elements of <em>ideque</em> in reverse order.  Takes O(1) time.



— SRFI Editor