New draft of SRFI 134: Immutable Deques
Arthur A. Gleckler 08 Apr 2016 03:15 UTC
I've just published a new draft of SRFI 134 from John Cowan.
Here are John's notes on this draft:
All the procedures except ideque=, ideque-append, and
ideque-zip now accept at most one ideque. I have verified
this SRFI against SRFI 1: the linear-update procedures are
unnecessary, as are the alist and set procedures. The
only possible additions would be ideque-concatenate (which
I think is not necessary in modern Schemes),
ideque-reverse-append (which is a trivial composition of
ideque-reverse and ideque-append), ideque-delete (which is
a trivial variant of ideque-remove), and
ideque-delete-duplicates, which I have added to the spec.
I hope to release the implementation and updated tests
soon. Other than editorial problems, I don't expect to
make further changes to the spec.
SRFI Editor