Bug on sample implementation
Takashi Kato 04 Jul 2016 09:24 UTC
The constructor procedure on the sample implementation doesn't work as its
specified on the SRFI. I've written the following script:
(import (except (scheme base) define-record-type) (srfi 136)
(scheme write))
(define-record-type foo (make-foo a b) foo?
(a foo-a)
(b foo-b))
(define-record-type (bar foo) make-bar bar?
(c bar-a)
(d bar-b))
(define (check r p? a1 a2)
(display r) (newline)
(display (p? r)) (newline)
(display (a1 r)) (newline)
(display (a2 r)) (newline)
(check (make-foo 1 2 3 4) foo? foo-a foo-b)
(check (make-bar 1 2 3 4) foo? foo-a foo-b)
(check (make-bar 1 2 3 4) bar? bar-a bar-b)
And got the following output (executed on Sagittarius Scheme 0.7.5):
#<<record> 0x10263a3c0>
#<<record> 0x102650840>
#<<record> 0x10268ccc0>
The first make-foo is an error so it's ok if it works or not (raise an
error would be preferable, though). However the last make-bar and its
accessor, I thought, should print 3 and 4. It didn't work if I make
make-bar definition to (make-bar c d), either.
Takashi Kato
E-mail: ktakashi19@gmail.com