Accessor names of make-record-type-descriptor procedure
Takashi Kato 09 Dec 2016 20:45 UTC
I'm a bit confused about the purpose of passing accessors names via fieldspec.
The SRFI says fieldspec argument of make-record-type-descriptor should contain
accessor and mutator, and I can read that these must be procedures (or #f if
mutator is absent). However, there's no procedure which can make either
accessor or mutator in the SRFI. Plus, the test passing symbols for this.
Here comes my questions:
- Are these must be procedure?
- If this can be symbols, then what's the purpose of passing names?
If it's debugging purpose, then I think it's not really relevant since users
can bind the procedures to names whatever they want to.
If it's indicating mutability of the field, then, I think, 2 elements of list
(field-name boolean) would be simpler.
- If this must be procedures, then how can I create them?
Takashi Kato