(It seems that I sent this to wrong address, so this is a retry)

I assume the intention of this srfi is to define a common factor of
existing record systems so that various extensible type system can
be implemented portably on top of it.   It is politically correct in a sense
that it is neutral to existing record systems.

However, existing implementations must already have internal type 
handling mechanisms, and if an implementation already supports some
record type, it's likely that it wants to directly integrate it to the internal
type system.  Such internal type system doesn't need to fit smoothly
with srfi-137 protocol, in which case srfi-137 just adds complexity as
opposed to simplifying it.

It is certainly convenient to have some minimal protocol so that variations
of record types can be experimented out.  But if it's for experiment (and
reference implementation of srfis), it can just choose existing popular
record system.  If the experiment shows such record type is pretty
valuable, implementations will adopt it with the way most natural to the
implementation, skipping "common factor" layer if there's any (*1).  Then,
this srfi would only serve temporarily, in proof-of-concept state.
It may still be useful, but I wonder it's worth to introduce yet another

(*1) With reference implementation using this srfi, there would be
no guarantee that the types created in that system works with
other generic operators supported by the implementation natively.
In practice, if the implementation offers a debugger, for example,
it would be nicer that the new record system also works with it; thus
implementors will want to adopt the new record system through its
native type system, instead of going via the layer provided by this srfi.