Sven Hartrumpf <> schrieb am Mi., 6. Juli 2016 um 23:20 Uhr:
Thanks for this SRFI.

Just a minor comment.
a.out is the traditional output file of a compiler and is the default
in this SRFI.
But is not an informative name much more convenient?

Any name but a.out is probably more informative, and a.out was just chosen for tradition. If we want to use a name that is derived from the program source file, we would have to specify an algorithm how the name is derived.

The algorithm could be: Strip off the extension of the source program file name and replace it with an extension appropriate for executable files on the host system (e.g. no extension on POSIX systems, .exe on Windows).

However, this algorithm may produce the same file name that was fed into the algorithm, e.g. if the source program file had no extension at all.

So it may be better to always specify the outfile explicitly. On the other hand, chances for a collision are minimal (who would name their program files without any extension or an .exe extension).
Or, this SRFI may maintain a list of valid Scheme program file extensions (including .scm), which are explicitly supported.
For example (chicken Scheme), csc foo.scm produces foo.

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