New draft (#2) of SRFI 138: Compiling Scheme programs to executables Arthur A. Gleckler 08 Jul 2016 16:19 UTC

I've just published draft #2 of SRFI 138.  It was submitted
by the SRFI author, Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen.


Here are Marc's comments:

  The following improvements, suggested on the mailing list,
  have been made:

  - A Scheme system that does want to conform to SRFI 138
    does not have to install the compile-r7rs command by
    itself. This task can be delegated to the host
    system. It is enough for the Scheme system to provide a
    command that behaves as the compile-r7rs command.

  - By setting the COMPILE_R7RS environment variable, a user
    may override which binary instead of compile-r7rs is
    used to compile Scheme files.

  - The name of the output file is derived from the input
    file name if no explicit output filename is given. The
    specification applies itself only to input files with a

  Commit Summary

  - Specify what a Scheme implementation and what the host
    system has to provide in order to conform to this SRFI

  - Specify environment variable COMPILE_R7RS

  - Change default output file to something more
    informative. Restrict input files to .scm-files to allow
    for extensions.

  File Changes

    M chibi/compile-r7rs (10)
    M srfi-138.html (95)

Here's the diff:



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