I would like to discuss the following amendment to SRFI 139:

1. Require that all R7RS keywords can be used with syntax-parameterize (so that they behave as if they were effectively created by define-syntax-parameter and not by deifne-syntax).

Rationale: Keywords defined by define-syntax-parameter are indistinguishable from keywords defined by define-syntax as long as syntax-parameterize is absent, so this requirement does not change the semantic meaning of any existing code. On the other hand, being able to reparameterize built-in keywords can make a lot of sense. One natural candidate is quasiquote, whose name is tied to the reader. The extra requirement would make it possible to give quasiquote a different (or extended meaning) in well-defined lexical scopes.

2. Specifically allow implementations not to make any difference between define-syntax and define-syntax-parameter and simple treat the former as the latter.

Rationale: The latter is a compatible extension of the former.
