New draft (#2) of and last call for SRFI 139: Syntax parameters
Arthur A. Gleckler 21 Sep 2016 04:20 UTC
I've just published draft #2 of SRFI 139. It was submitted
by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, the author of the SRFI.
Here's Marc's description of the change:
There was no demand for mutable syntax parameters and
exact semantics with respect to evaluation in
multi-threaded implementations haven't been proposed
With this removal, I consider this SRFI 139 final (as long
as there are no objections being made during the last-call
Here's the diff (wrapped):
- <li>The syntax parameters described by this SRFI are
- immutable. In contrast to it, the parameter objects
- described by SRFI 39 (but not by R7RS) are
- mutable. Shall syntax parameters be made mutable as
- well? In contrast to parameter objects, multi-threaded
- evaluation wouldn't pose a problem, but the precise
- order of expansion would.</li>
Marc has asked me to announce "last call" for this SRFI. He
believes that it is ready for finalization, but would like
to give reviewers one last chance to submit corrections and
feedback before we finalize it.
If you're interested in this SRFI, please give your feedback
via the SRFI 139 mailing list before Wed 28 Sep. After
that, assuming that no major revisions are required, we will
declare it final.
SRFI Editor