If I am not mistaken, SRFI 142 does not provide any native means to encode a bit string as a bytevector and vice versa. So what I am missing are procedures like the following:
(integer->bytevector/little-endian i k)
(integer->bytevector/big-endian i k)
(integer->bytevector i k)
(bytevector->integer/little-endian bytevector k)
(bytevector->integer/big-endian bytevector k)
(bytevector->integer bytevector k)
Here, i is a bit string encoded as an integer and k is the number of bytes (= one eight of the number of bits) to be encoded. The procedures without specified endianess use the endianess as reported by (features).
What do you think? Of course, it is possible to implement these procedures by hand, but not in a very efficient way. On top of that, when dealing with binary formats, procedures like the one I am proposing here, are being used quite often.