Basically done the chibi impl, there are 6 test failures which appear to be in my own code.

Note the test suite refers to `fx=?' etc. instead of `fx='.

The implementation of at least fxlogical-shift-right appears to be missing.

Regarding the cond-expand code for chibi, you probably want
(include-shared "srfi/142/bit"), not (include-shared "bit").  Also
the libraries should be named (srfi 143), not (srfi-143).

Otherwise, if there's also a Gauche impl I think there's no need to wait on chibi.


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Arthur A. Gleckler <> wrote:
On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:50 AM, Alex Shinn <> wrote:
I'd like to finish my native chibi implementation before finalization.
I should have this by 5/22, but would like to request another reminder in advance in case I forget.

I will send you a reminder on Saturday (my time).  You should probably but something on your calendar, too.