On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 8:50 PM, John Cowan <xxxxxx@ccil.org> wrote:
I did a little investigation, and it's because the (hamt) library is at srfi/hamt.sld, which means in Chibi it would have to be loaded as (srfi hamt).  I tried to reposition it at the SRFI 146 root, but then (hamt-map) couldn't be loaded either.  I'm sure this point is minor, but right now I don't have the energy to do whatever is necessary to make it right.  Can either Marc or someone else look into this?

​I just ​updated the version on Github based on a pull request from Marc.  The changes there don't look like they address this issue, though.  However, I think I've managed to make it work:

arthur> cd $ss/srfi-146/
arthur> export CHIBI_MODULE_PATH=$ss/srfi-146/:$ss/srfi-146/nieper:$ss/srfi-146/srfi
arthur> chibi-scheme
> (import (srfi 146 test))
> (run-tests)
%%%% Starting test SRFI 146  (Writing full log to "SRFI 146.log")
# of expected passes      96
# of skipped tests        1
> arthur> 

I'm a Chibi novice, but the log this produces shows the tests passing.

John, would you please try this to make sure it works for you, too?