New draft (#3) of SRFI 148: Eager syntax-rules Arthur A. Gleckler 26 Jul 2017 05:55 UTC

I've just published draft #3 of SRFI 148.  It was submitted
by Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen, author of the SRFI.


Here are Marc's comments on the draft:

  - Updated included sample implementation of SRFI 147

  - Fixed implementation for Schemes that bind literals in
    syntax--rules lexically

  - Remove special role of quote in patterns that are not
    top-level patterns; allow quote in the list of literals
    in em-syntax-rules

  - Minor editorial corrections

  - Improved one test

  - Added thanks to Will Clinger for his analysis of the
    previous sample implementation on Larceny

  Commit Summary

  - Update SRFI 147 (hygienic version)
  - Fixed implementation for Schemes that bind literals lexically.
  - Merge branch 'master' of
  - increase significance of a test
  - fix an error in the formal syntax

  File Changes

  M srfi-148.html (29)
  M srfi/147.scm (42)
  M srfi/147.sld (25)
  M srfi/148.scm (89)
  M srfi/148/test.sld (6)

Here's the diff:



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