Larceny's code base contains many libraries that import both of
those libraries. I went to a great deal of trouble to make it
easy for Larceny users to import from R6RS libraries as well as
from R7RS libraries. Larceny's -r7r6 command line imports all
standard libraries of both R6RS and R7RS Red Edition, with only
two name conflicts that required renaming (bytevector-copy! and
remove) and two name conflicts that required the deprecated
string-hash and string-ci-hash of (scheme hash-table) to be left
out of the (larceny r7r6) library altogether.
How does Larceny cope with the incompatibility of R6RS's real? and R7RS's real?
For R6RS, (real? 0.0+i0.0) should return #f, for R7RS, it should return #t (as long as (zero? 0.0) evaluates to #t).
(scheme base) and (rnrs base) cannot export the same procedure ‘real?’, can they?