John Cowan <> schrieb am Sa., 29. Juli 2017 um 20:28 Uhr:From: "Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen" <><p>Therefore, the author of this SRFI now recommends that implementers ignore this extra requirement so that <code>(srfi 149)</code> may export a version of <code>syntax-rules</code> compatible with this SRFI and <code>(scheme base)</code> may exports another. Instead, it is recommended that implementations provide a feature identifier <code>srfi-149</code> in case the implementation of <code>syntax-rules</code> in <code>(scheme base)</code> has the semantics as specified in this SRFI.</p>MarcMy only objection is to the name of the feature identifier. I think it would be easy to misunderstand "srfi-149" as meaning the same as "(library (srfi 149))" in cond-expand.Even if people misunderstood this, this wouldn't be much of a problem. An implementation providing the feature identifier srfi-149 would also provide the library (srfi 149), so if one wrote srfi-149 instead of (library (srfi 149)) in a cond-expand, it would do no harm.Don't you think?So I would suggest "srfi-149-compatible" or perhaps "srfi-149-ellipsis".--John Cowan xxxxxx@ccil.orgIf I have not seen as far as other giants, it’s because I have beenstanding on my head. --Trond EngenTo unsubscribe from this list please go to HPnO69Ijc0fnLAmtlfwu0Yu43aG4fv ix