Lars Thomas Hansen <> writes:
> All of these objections are reasonable, but they do not speak to the
> purpose of this particular SRFI. The purpose of the SRFI is only to
> codify an already existing practice that has slight variations across
> implementations (namely, some protect the bindings with DYNAMIC-WIND and
> some don't). I submitted it because I find myself using FLUID-LET in
> some of my programs, because it is a convenient mechanism for
> temporarily and reliably overriding the values of global variables.
I like fluid-let. My claim is that fluid-let is more powerful and
more general than suggested by the srfi-15 specification. The
question is: Do we want to specify fluid-let in a way that does not
work (or at least does not seem very appropriate) in the precense of
threads, or do we want a different specification? I proposed a
different specification.
Specifically, can an implementation that follows the model I proposed
(for example Kawa) claim to be consistent with this srfi or not?
(Does it matter that Kawa does not yet implement full call/cc, and
when/if it does, will probably not do so by default?)
--Per Bothner