SRFI 150: small bug in example Sudarshan S Chawathe (02 Dec 2017 16:56 UTC)
Re: SRFI 150: small bug in example Arthur A. Gleckler (02 Dec 2017 17:41 UTC)

SRFI 150: small bug in example Sudarshan S Chawathe 02 Dec 2017 16:56 UTC

Ref. SRFI 150 (Draft #2 published: 2017/8/8).

- In the last example of the Rationale section (which is very helpful,
  BTW), record-type names are missing from both parts of the
  syntax-rule.  Also, there's a typo: "%contructor" in the pattern
  whereas "%constructor" in the template.  I believe the example
  should read something like the following:

    (define *counter* -1)

    (define-syntax define-record-type/identity
      (syntax-rules ()
        ((_ rt-name
          (constructor name ...)
          field ...)
           (define-record-type rt-name
             (%constructor %id name ...)
             (%id id)
             field ...)
           (define (constructor . args)
             (set! *counter* (+ 1 *counter*))
             (apply %constructor *counter* args))))))

- Also, very minor typo/conversion-bug: Rendered "&emdash;" in the
  paragraph beginning with "The resulting document of the R7RS".

