Testing on different schemes Peter Lane (06 May 2017 12:15 UTC)
Re: Testing on different schemes Per Bothner (06 May 2017 14:31 UTC)
Re: Testing on different schemes Peter Lane (06 May 2017 18:02 UTC)
Re: Testing on different schemes John Cowan (06 May 2017 18:39 UTC)
Re: Testing on different schemes Peter Lane (09 May 2017 15:53 UTC)
Re: Testing on different schemes John Cowan (09 May 2017 19:04 UTC)

Testing on different schemes Peter Lane 06 May 2017 12:14 UTC

I (trivially) rewrote the chibi test suite to use SRFI 64 and checked
srfi 151 on the following 5 implementations, in R7RS mode. They all
passed the test suite.  For interest, I include the running times.

Running times:  (all 558 passes)

chibi (from master)         6m9.853s
gauche (0.9.6 from master)  4m55.710s
kawa 2.4                    4m24.362s [with test file split in 2]
larceny 0.99                37m6.170s
sagittarius 0.8.3           2m49.283s

Trying to use the chibi part of the cond-expand caused an error,
ERROR: couldn't find include: "bit.so"

Peter Lane