Currently any implementation could already do this, as domain extensions are in "is an error" territory. The implementation changes are trivial: make the procedures call textual->string on any string arguments. I'll have the sample implementation do this if (srfi 135) or (scheme text) is visible to cond-expand.
Arthur, what do you think? Too big a change? I don't think anyone is using SRFI 152 much yet, as it is almost subsumed by the widespread SRFI 13. As with other PFNs, we can make this optional-but-recommended and then vote on make it mandatory at the R7RS-large level.
Draft wording:
<b>Post-finalization note 1:</b> This note strongly encourages implementers of SRFI 152 who also provide SRFI 135 (as the R7RS-large Red Edition requires) to make all the procedures of this SRFI accept SRFI 135 texts as well as strings. The procedure <code>textual->string</code> is a straightforward technique and is used by the sample implementation. However, the procedures in this SRFI continue to return strings.