Re: SRFI 152 sample implementation tests (OK)
Sudarshan S Chawathe 04 Oct 2017 17:40 UTC
> From: John Cowan <>
> Sudarshan S Chawathe scripsit:
> > - It may be useful to allow fewer than two arguments for the string
> > comparison procedurs (string=?, string<?, etc.), with the
> > semantics that they return true when invoked with fewer than two
> > arguments. Such an interpretation may help avoid some
> > special-casing when using 'apply' with these procedures (e.g., to
> > check whether all strings in a given list are string=?, when the
> > list could be empty or a singleton).
> >
> That would make the function different from R7RS-small, and would not
> follow the other (in)equality procedures in various SRFIs. However, it is
> a reasonable extension that a Scheme might well provide, and if you wanted
> to make a patch to make it so in the sample implementation, I'd accept it.
I have just made a 'new' pull request on GitHub with this extension
added to both the portable and the two Chicken implementations.
(Actually it's commits that got added to my pull request from earlier
I added a simple test for the new cases for the comparison predicates to
chibi-test.scm, chicken-test.scm, and utf8-chicken-test as well.